Tina M Thurston

Its a soul thing: blogs, vlogs, poetry and more

  • 232 members
  • 124 posts

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Welcome to the first tier offering as part of this special community. Thank you for your membership so I can continue to make content exclusive to this profile. Included in this tier are video, audio, written, and imagery posts of my travels, home life, poetry, spirituality and varied interests.

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Thank you for the support of my content creation. In addition to the benefit of Tier 1, you will receive a your name at the end of my YouTube videos that are in alignment with this profile.

You will also have access to a monthly audio or video guided meditation which could help with anxiety and produce a calming effect within.

  • Exclusive content only available on Patreon
  • Receive a monthly guided meditation posted as an audio or video file.
  • Creation Support and Your name at the end of select YouTube videos on my channel-@TinaMThurston
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Time Travelers
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Cosmic Connection
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Tina M Thurston

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